All posts by Timothy English

Tom Hanks takes command in ‘Captain Phillips’

cptphillipsIt’s been a while since Tom Hanks really knocked one out of the park. But the guy may be getting ready to snag yet another Oscar nomination after his intense performance of real life “Captain Phillips” in the latest thriller from director Paul Greengrass.

There are two terrific performances in this movie. One comes from newbie actor Barkhad Abdirahman, who plays one of the Somali pirates. He goes toe to toe with Hanks with wide eyed intensity. But….this is Hanks’ movie. No one is ever going to deny that.

What really stands out is the intensity of this flick — and all the credit to Greengrass and screenwriter Billy Ray. Continue reading Tom Hanks takes command in ‘Captain Phillips’

‘Escape from Tomorrow’ proves bizarre doesn’t mean interesting

Writer and director Randy Moore had an intriguing idea. He decided to guerilla-style film a movie at Disneyland and Disney World that would expose the family amusement park as


being the dark and seedy mind f*ck that people have suspected it to be for years.

But something happened along the way. “Escape from Tomorrow” got a lot of attention for simply pulling off the miraculous feat, despite the ultra-elite security that patrols the parks. But somewhere along the way, this little movie that is supposed to be a slap in Walt Disney’s face ultimately falls apart because well…’s just not very good. Continue reading ‘Escape from Tomorrow’ proves bizarre doesn’t mean interesting

‘Gravity’ is a jaw dropping masterpiece and maybe the movie experience of the year

Every now and then, a movie comes along that makes you say, “WOW.”

gravityPICIn 2013, that movie — nay — that EXPERIENCE, is Alfonso Cuaron’s “Gravity”.

Now it’s easy to gush on this movie. If you seen the trailers, it is everything those brief intense sequences promises and more. Cuaron, known for “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” and the also amazing, “Children of Men”, puts the audience on this space mission with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) and his newbie spacewalking partner Dr. Stone (Sandra Bullock).

The results are one of the most intense and visually spectacular movies, not only of this year — but maybe….ever? Continue reading ‘Gravity’ is a jaw dropping masterpiece and maybe the movie experience of the year