All posts by Timothy English

Whitaker and Oyelowo lead an all-star cast in ‘Lee Daniels’ The Butler

There are movies that hope and dream they might get recognized when it comes to Oscar season and then there are movies that are made for Oscar season. You know the ones: big cast, heavy hitting and possibly controversial subject matter, period setting allowing for elaborate costumes and recreating historical sets…ButlerO

Think “Lincoln” last season. Great movie. Great actors. Twelve nominations, no wins.

This year, “Lee Daniel’s The Butler” offers up a huge cast of whose who actors as we follow Cecil Gaines (Forest Whitaker) learning the ways of a house servant and making his way to the White House, where he serves as a butler for the President of the United States for nearly 40 years.  Continue reading Whitaker and Oyelowo lead an all-star cast in ‘Lee Daniels’ The Butler

Ashton Kutcher never seems comfortable in ‘jOBS’ shoes

I gave this a chance, honestly. Look, Ashton Kutcher wouldn’t have been my first choice to play Apple technology innovator Steve Jobs. Kutcher has the look, as a photo in the end credits proves, he just doesn’t have the — oh, man, there has to be a better word other than….talent —jobs2

The film takes us through Jobs’ college days, all the way up through the invention of the iPod. It’s a fairly interesting movie. After all, this is the guy that brought us the iMac, the iPhone, and all those other gadgets we use so we don’t have to pay attention to each other.

But, it’s all soooo boring to watch….. Continue reading Ashton Kutcher never seems comfortable in ‘jOBS’ shoes

‘We’re the Millers’ is kinda raunchy but very hilarious

The new comedy, “We’re the Millers”, wants you to believe that it is going to push all the boundaries to reinvent the raunchy, road trip comedy. It doesn’t. In fact, for the most part, it’s kind of a cobbled together, predictable flick. That being said, it’s a hilarious movie, despite everything that is wrong with it.werethemillers2

Where it does succeed is in the cast, especially Kansas City boy and former SNL-er, Jason Sudeikis. In his first movie of his post SNL days, Sudeikis is spot on in every scene, his dry, sarcastic humor leading to some awesome banter with his cast mates and some real laugh out loud moments. Continue reading ‘We’re the Millers’ is kinda raunchy but very hilarious