All posts by Timothy English

Disney unable to capture Pixar magic with copy cat ‘Planes’

This is the dark side of Disney. The studio, known for its imagination, has a tendency to bleed out its properties, squeezing every they can out of toys, shows, characters, and movies. planes

Enter “Planes”, which takes place in the “World of Cars”. But don’t get too excited, this bland and generic animated feature from the great and powerful Walt Disney Studios is lacking every single thing that makes the Pixar movies so brilliant.

Not even keeping Pixar head honcho John Lasseter’s name as producer is able to keep this movie from crashing and burning on impact. Continue reading Disney unable to capture Pixar magic with copy cat ‘Planes’

Awful villains, boring characters cancel out what works in ‘The Wolverine’

Wolverine2I really wanted to love “The Wolverine”. Seriously, I really did. But, I didn’t. I couldn’t.

Yes, Hugh Jackman is back as Logan aka The Wolverine — and that “The” is apparently important as this movie, Jackman’s sixth in the role, is supposed to be THE definitive take on the character. After four “X-Men” movies and his first solo outing, “Orgins: Wolverine”, Jackman is back and  in Japan this time. Set years after “X3”, Logan finds himself alone and running from his heroic past.
Continue reading Awful villains, boring characters cancel out what works in ‘The Wolverine’

Aubrey Plaza and great cast can’t save dumb ‘To Do List’


First of all, I have to admit, I dig Aubrey Plaza. She is easily one of the best things to come o out of the show “Parks and Rec”. I loved “Safety Not Guaranteed” last summer. Needless to say, I was actually looking forward to “The To Do List”. I’m a little past the whole teen sex comedy genre, but I figured Plaza would be enough to make it fun.

I could not have been more wrong. Continue reading Aubrey Plaza and great cast can’t save dumb ‘To Do List’