Releasing a horror movie in July may seem like the first sing of a terrible movie. In fact, I’m probably in the majority that feel that most scary movies today aren’t even scary. This my friends, is where “The Conjuring” separates itself from the rest of the pack and establishes itself as one of the scariest movies in recent memory.
Based on real life events — yeah, it’s one of those — The Conjuring tells two stories. One is the story of the typical family, the Perron Family, who move into a new house to start a new life, etc. The other story is that of Ed and Lorraine Warren, the real life paranormal investigators who witnessed a demonic possession in the Perron’s house.
It may sound like the typical and generic set-up and it may be…but the results are anything but typical. Continue reading ‘The Conjuring’ is a scary movie that dares to be scary