All posts by Timothy English

Hilarious and stupid both describe ‘This is the End’

thisistheendPICThis summer, there have been a lot of movies with an overly serious attitude. Even the new Superman movie got the gritty and realistic treatment for its reboot.

Thank the maker there are still filmmakers that still smoke a bunch of weed and make movies for people who also like to smoke a bunch of weed. Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg, who penned “Superbad” are back as writers and directors for this end of the world romp in which Rogan, along with his buddies, including James Franco, are trying to survive the apocalypse.

For the most part, it’s one of the funniest movies to come out in a long time, despite the fact there are long gaps where it feels like it’s going nowhere.

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Photo property of Columbia Pictures

Brad Pitt surprises fans at ‘World War Z’ screenings

Brad PittSummer movie season is rolling along and if you’re one of those people who buys into pre-release hype, the best is yet to come.

Right now, Brad Pitt’s “World War Z” is starting to create some solid and substantial buzz and the star is busy jet-setting around the globe to introduce special sneak previews for fans. Continue reading Brad Pitt surprises fans at ‘World War Z’ screenings

Interesting premise gets lost in all too familiar execution of ‘The Purge’

PURGE - FILM REVIEWWhat a horrifying thought, right? Allowing American citizens to purge their violent tendencies one night every year. What would you do? Would you give into that primal urge or would you do what you could to hide away and protect your family. It’s a premise ripe with possibilities but unfortunately, “The Purge” just kinda glosses over them in favor of becoming just like every other similar horror movie.

“The Purge” plays out like the bastard child of “The Hostage” and “The Strangers”, focusing on one family who is threatened by crazy wack jobs who are out to purge their urge, something that it seems like they’d probably do anyway.

Continue reading: “The Purge” movie review at

Photo property of Universal PIctures