All posts by Timothy English

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson back for laughs with ‘The Internship’

GoogleInternsIt might not be all that plausible that the characters played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn in “The Internship” are so completely clueless about today’s technology. But it’s a belief you will have to be willing to suspend, at least for the first half of the movie to get any real enjoyment out of it.

The good news here is that this movie, about two guys who lose their sales jobs and somehow manage to secure internships at Google, has a solid second half and proves that Vaughn and Wilson still have that great chemistry that helped make “Wedding Crashers” a comedy hit a few years ago.

Continue reading: The Internship movie review at

Photos property of 20th Century Fox

‘Now You See Me’ pulls off a pretty impressive trick — it’s good

NowYouSeeME2I know what you’re thinking — movies about magic hardly ever work. We saw a good example of a good idea gone wrong with the recent “Burt Wonderstone“. The problem with that movie was that it was too predictable — i.e. it was everything “Now You See Me” isn’t.

Thanks to a great cast and a fun script that was cobbled together by five — count ’em five — screenwriters — the movie is a surprisingly fun movie, with twists and turns around every corner. It actually manages to create the energy and wonder of a great magic show. You know it’s BS and if you look closely you can see the smoke and mirrors but it’s still too much fun to care about that you’re being played.

Continue reading Now You See Me review at

Photo property of Summit Entertainment

‘Hangover III’ is another unnecessary addition to round out this trilogy

HangoverIIIpicIn baseball, going one for three is pretty solid. When making a trilogy, however, it usually means you’ve failed. While saying Todd Phillips failed with his “Hangover” trilogy, might be a little harsh, it’s quite obvious that the only reason it is a trilogy is because Warner Bros. saw HUGE $$$$$$$ SIGNS after the surprising success of the first film.

Unfortunately, everyone seemed a litte out of touch from what actually made the first movie so great. The second flick tried to recapture that magic in a bottle by duplicating plot points and jokes but “Hangover III” actually tried to change up that formula and somehow made a less interesting movie.

Yeah, there are a few good jokes but it fails to elicit those shocking laughs that the first one was full of.

Continue reading: “The Hangover part III” movie review at

Photo property of Warner Bros.