Who is Jay Gatsby? Everyone is just dying to find out. The mysterious billionaire throws wild and lavish parties, which are attended by nearly every walk of life. But, despite housing hundreds of guests every weekend, no one knows who he is. Some say he is a war hero, others say he’s a spy. Some even say he’s killed a man. The only thing anyone knows for sure is that he throws one heck of a party.
“Iron Man 3” is closer to being a sequel to last summers blockbuster smash, “Marvel’s the Avengers”, than it’s own predecessor, the bloated and disappointing, “Iron Man 2”. There are no cameos, no S.H.I.E.L.D., but Tony Stark’s near death experience saving the world resonates throughout this thrilling sequel.
There are two things that director Michael Bay constantly reminds the audience throughout his new flick, “Pain & Gain”. One is that it is sadly based on a true story. The other is the three characters it is based on, Daniel Lugo, Paul Doyle and Arian Doorbal, are complete and total idiots.