All posts by Timothy English

The Rock can’t over compensate for stupid ‘G.I. Joe Retaliation’ script

GiJoe2pic“G.I. Joe: Retaliation” should have been released last July but apparently some early test audiences weren’t too thrilled with the lack of screen time for the hero of the first film, Channing Tatum. So Paramount delayed the release, deciding to give the film a 3D conversion and flesh out some more scenes between Tatum and the film’s new star, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

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Photo property of Paramount Pictures

‘Stoker’ is not nearly as good as it thinks it is

stoker04When her father dies mysteriously, young India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) feels like she has nothing else in her life. She had an incredibly close relationship with her father, played by Dermot Mulroney in flashbacks, but a rather chilly relationship with ice queen mother, played by Nicole Kidman, who looks bored and disinterested during the entire movie. Now that dad is gone, India wonders who will give her life purpose. Enter the creepy and weird Uncle Charlie (Matthew Goode, “Match Point”, “Watchmen”), who nobody seemed to know about until the funeral.

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Photo property of Fox Searchlight

‘Olympus Has Fallen’ is a mix bag of every action movies you’ve already seen

OlympusHasFallenThere is a point in “Olympus Has Fallen“, where you’re going to feel like you’ve seen it all before. In fact, if you’ve seen any action movie in the past 25 years, you might already feel that way from simply seeing the trailer. No need to check the marquee. It’s a brand new movie. Unfortunately, there isn’t an ounce of creative or original thought to be found at any point in the two hour running time. Continue Reading at

Photo property of Film District