Getting into college is no laughing matter, which is exactly what is the driving problem behind “Admission”, starring Tina Fey and Paul Rudd. A movie that aims to use the presumed cuteness of Fey and the charm of Rudd fails never quite figures out what kind of movie it wants to be. Is it a farce comedy? A romantic comedy? Is it even a comedy at all?
The sheer magnitude of getting Jim Carrey and Steve Carrell on screen as dueling magicians would seem to be a magical pairing destined for comedy gold. “The Incredible Burt Wonderstone” brings them together for their second big screen outing — “Bruce Almighty” being the first — and unfortunately, while there are some extremely funny moments, there is a lot more hocus than the movie has focus.
Now before you go rushing to judgments and condemning Disney for have the brash to reboot, remake and/or prequelize one of Hollywood’s all-time classics. L. Frank Baum wrote fourteen novels, one of which was the basis for the 1939 classic, “Wizard of Oz”. Sam Raimi (“Spider-Man” trilogy, “Evil Dead” trilogy) re-introduces that magical Land of Oz and does it in spectacular fashion. With some amazing visuals, a solid cast and a mix of humor throughout, the return to Oz is a welcome one.