All posts by Timothy English

‘Warm Bodies’ bucks zombie movie standards and makes you think about life and death — movie review

WarmBodiesPICEvery great couple has a great story about how they met and fell in love. The best love stories always start with a couple overcoming obstacles to prove that true love will win overall. Perhaps it’s an age difference or a social class difference or maybe your parents hate each other and have declared you can never be together — or maybe you’re dead and the other person is alive. Yes, apparently it is possible for love to form between a flesh eating zombie and live member of the fairer sex….

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Is J.J. Abrams the right choice to take over the ‘Star Wars’ reigns?

jjabramsSWThe simple answer to this is yes — J.J. Abrams is absolutely the man for this job. The real question might be, “Is it possible for ANYONE to make the ‘Star Wars’ movie fans demand?”. George Lucas tried and failed to recapture the magic he created back in 1977, 1980 and 1983 with “A New Hope”, “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi”. In fact he failed on such an epic level that some fans would rather just have 1999-2005 completely erased from memories. Continue reading Is J.J. Abrams the right choice to take over the ‘Star Wars’ reigns?

‘Hansel and Gretel’ is fun at times but mostly misguided — movie review

HansGret2I’m sure at some point there were good intentions about making a movie based on the Grimms’ Brothers fairty tale, “Hansel and Gretel”. Then something terrible happened. Maybe it was the greed of the studio, opting to for a big weekend; or maybe it was ignoring a keen script reader who kept reminding everyone the screenplay was awful — but instead of a Tim Buron-esque trippy fairy tale about a boy and girl battling a witch while lost in the woods, we get a mindless action movie with crappy CGi. Continue reading ‘Hansel and Gretel’ is fun at times but mostly misguided — movie review