All posts by Timothy English

‘Broken City’ is a broken movie with a pretty great cast — movie review

brokencity2Ah, January movies. Every now and then there is a great one — at least I want to believe that. This isn’t it. Of course, like any movie, “Broken City” could have been amazing.

Unfortunately, the director set out to make a completely different movie than he was given in the screenplay and it ends up being a mess. It’s a shame too, because it’s a waste of a concept that’s not done right enough as well as a great cast. Continue reading ‘Broken City’ is a broken movie with a pretty great cast — movie review

‘Argo’ shocks Hollywood at 2013 Golden Globes

Affleck wins Best Director

Last night in Hollywood, the 2013 Golden Globes were held. While the show was a snooze as usual, it did offer up a few alarming surprises.

On the TV side, cable TV is flexing it’s muscle over the networks. Both the drama winner “Homeland” (Showtime) and “Girls” (HBO) come from cable channels and they pretty much dominated the Globes. Check out the 2013 Golden Globes TV winners.

Everyone thought “Lincoln” was going to roll as an early preview of what would be to come from the upcoming Oscars in February. Instead, it was “Argo” that would up winning Best Motion Picture Drama, with Ben Affleck winning Best Director. It’s an interesting turn of events, especially after Affleck was considered one of the bigger snubs when the 2013 Academy Award nominations were handed out last week.

“Les Misérables” took home the Best Movie Comedy or Musical, making it the early favorite to win the Oscar. See the full list of 2013 Golden Globes Movie winners.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter @tbenglish.


‘Zero Dark Thirty’ a tense thriller that may not sit well with audiences — movie review

1134604 - Zero Dark ThirtyIt is important to consider the context of “Zero Dark Thirty” before you view the movie. Director Kathryn Bigelow and her crew were already in pre-production on The Battle of Tora Bora, once believed to be a hideout for Osama Bin Laden. When the real-life S.E.A.L. Team Six raided a compound in Pakistan and killed Bin Laden in May of 2011, Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal started from scratch and decided to focus on the decade long search for the terrorist mastermind… (Continue Reading at