All posts by Timothy English

Ang Lee’s ‘Life of Pi’ is a spectacular visual and emotional experience — movie review

Based on the novel by Yann Martel, “Life of Pi” is the story of Piscine Molitor Patel, a precocious boy living in India who embarks on a journey of self discovery set off by unpredictable and horrific events. Before getting to those tragic events, however, the film begins with a writer, played by Rafe Spall (“Prometheus”), sitting down to interview an older Pi, played by Irrfan Khan (“The Amazing Spider-Man”). The writer is looking for a story idea for a book and has been told that Pi will tell him a story that will make him believe in God. (Continue Reading at

Silly ‘Rise of the Guardians’ could have been a heck of a lot worse — movie review

What if Santa Claus was the leader of magical superheroes whose primary job, besides delivering toys and hiding eggs, was to protect kids– and the world– from villainous characters that would rather strike fear than deliver good-natured holiday cheer. Think The Avengers, except instead of Tony Stark, you have Santa Claus. It’s silly and goofy, but that’s kind of the point. In “Rise of the Guardians” we are introduced early on to Jack Frost (voiced by Chris Pine) after he is resurrected by the man in the moon following a tragic and mysterious accident. (Continue Reading at

‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2’ brings saga to goofy ending that will please fans

There has rarely been a series of movies as polarizing as the “Twilight Saga”. Fans of the books love these movies with a blind passion, not caring that Kristen Stewart has no range besides “zombie mode”. Non-fans, on the other hand, tend to despise these movies to the point of extremist hatred. Sure, the first four have gradually gotten worse. Thankfully, director Bill Condon manages to squeeze as much entertainment as he possibly could from the final installment of this vampire romance saga. “Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2” picks up right where “Breaking Dawn part 1” left off, with Bella waking up as a vampire. (Continue Reading at