Steven Spielberg has tried for years to bring the story of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, to the big screen. The main problem with telling the story of the man who is arguably one of, if not the greatest American President, is deciding which story to tell. It took Spielberg over ten years to bring “Lincoln” to the big screen. At one point, Liam Neeson was attached to play the Great Emancipator before he backed out and Daniel Day Lewis took the part. It’s definitely a case where karma was kind to those involved here, even though the film is more bloated at times than it is epic. (Continue Reading at
All posts by Timothy English
James Bond is better than ever in ‘Skyfall’ — movie review
Like a lot of guys my age — or just guys in general I guess — I have been a Bond fan since I was a boy. Who could resist that cool as ice attitude, those sweet cars, the slick gadgets, traveling the globe and of course the amazing women. Over the years, the James Bond franchise has been up and down featuring a number of actors as Agent 007. Even the new “reboot”, only two movies in, has been good and — well not so good. The latest, “Skyfall”, however, may just be one of Bond’s best flick to date. Continue reading James Bond is better than ever in ‘Skyfall’ — movie review
‘Wreck-It Ralph’ will delight adults as much as it will the kiddos — movie review
If you’re a child of the 80’s, you probably have an appreciation for old school video games like Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros. You can probably remember the days when graphics were good if a character vaguely looked like it had a human form and when you actually had to use a controller. Forget the Wii or X-Box Kinect. Real video games were played with a joystick and the A and B buttons. Ah, but the age of the video game has evolved. That evolution has been apparent not only in the graphics and gameplay but also the magic of the arcade, a wonderland of video games where kids can play whatever game they want as long as they had a pocket full of quarters…