With “Flight”, director Robert Zemeckis returns to the land of live-action filmmaking with his first non-animated movie since “Cast Away” in 2000. Then, he had Academy Award winner Tom Hanks as a lead. This time around, Zemeckis comes armed with Academy Award winner Denzel Washington. Here Denzel plays Whip Whitaker, a stud airline pilot who is also an alcoholic who loves to drink and do cocaine. He’s got an ex-wife and a 15 year-old son who want nothing to do with him but he’s hooking up with a stewardess played by the gorgeous Nadine Velazquez, so it’s not all bad…or is it? (Continue Reading at Examiner.com)
All posts by Timothy English
‘Iron Man 3’ teaser trailer
Following the amazing blockbuster of 2012’s “Marvel’s The Avengers”, Marvel Studios looks to get going quickly on what they’re calling “Phase Two” in the cinematic universe that will include “Thor: the Dark World”, “Captain America: the Winter Soldier”, “Guardians of the Galaxy” and of course, next summer’s “Iron Man 3″… Continue reading ‘Iron Man 3’ teaser trailer
‘Total Recall’ is a remake that is a total waste of time — movie review
Reboots and remakes come in all forms. There are good remakes and then there are bad remakes. There are good remakes of bad movies and there are bad remakes of good movies. Then there are movies that have no business being remade and there are movies that are ripe for a remake as long as the right. “Total Recall” falls somewhere in that group. The filmmakers swung for the fences and unfortunately, missed — big time. Continue reading ‘Total Recall’ is a remake that is a total waste of time — movie review