All posts by Timothy English

Planet Comicon 2016

Planet Comicon is already a staple of tradition among Kansas City’s proud “Geek Nation”, but it’s quickly becoming one of the best all-around cons outside of New York and San Diego.

Planet Comicon Kansas City will invade Bartle Hall May 20-22, 2016.
Planet Comicon Kansas City will invade Bartle Hall May 20-22, 2016.

Planet Comicon 2016 is coming to Kansas City May 20th-22nd.

This year’s guest list is one of the best ever in the history of the con, whose history in KC goes back to 1999.

Among this year’s still growing guest list are Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, Star Trek actor and author George Takei, Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk), Barbar Eden (I Dream of Jeannie), Jason Mewes (Clerks), Eve Myles (Torchwood), Alan Tudyk (Firefly), and Edward James Olmos.

Cold beers and very cool people. Sean Gunn took time to hang out and chat.

Celebrity Guests:

There will be no shortage of celebrities for you to fawn over, while you get an autograph or pose for a photo opp with your favorite stars from science fiction, movies and TV!

Check out all of the guests and get everything you need to know about getting photos and autographs. Believe me, if you’re new to the con game, the more you know going in, the better.

  • Stan Lee, comic book overlordHayley_Atewell_fri_guestbox
  • Kevin Smith, filmmaker
  • Hayley Atwell, Agent Carter
  • Jenna Coleman, Doctor Who
  • George Takei, Star Trek
  • Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca
  • Arthur Darvill, Doctor Who
  • Manu Bennett, Arrow
  • Edward James Olmos, Battlestar Galactica
  • Darryl DMC McDaniels, RUN DMC, Daryl Makes Comics
  • Jason Mewes, Clerks
  • Alan Tudyk, Firefly
  • Barbara Eden, I Dream of Jeannie
  • Danielle Panabaker, The Flash
  • and MORE!!!

Planet Comicon 2016 coverage

We are going to try and do some fun stuff from the main hall this year. Stay tuned!

For more information about Planet Comicon Kansas City 2016, including hotel information, vendor information and tickets, visit

‘London Has Fallen’ sucks as much as the first one

I see a lot of movies, so you have to understand it can be really easy to confuse them, or sometimes forget them altogether. I remembered “Olympus Has Fallen” having existed but I always confused it for the one with Channing Tatum (“White House Down”, released the same year).

Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart take a moment to figure out why they agreed to make this movie. (Photo: Focus Features)
Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart take a moment to figure out why they agreed to make this movie. (Photo: Focus Features)

Early in the year, I don’t expect much out of theatrical releases. So, when “London Has Fallen” comes stumbling around the corner, it’s like that old high school classmate. You recognize them, you don’t wanna be rude, so you’re like ‘okay, let’s hang out’. How bad can it be?

That’s about when my son taps me on the shoulder and says, ‘I can’t believe you want to see this…you hated the last one”. (He was right, per my review).

And then Gerard Butler came on screen. And started talking. And it all came flooding back. Like traumatic flashbacks from a time I’ve long since tried to forget….but it was too late —

Full LONDON HAS FALLEN movie review

Rarting: 4/10

Directed by: Babak Najafi

Written by: Creighton Rothenberger, Katrin Benedikt,Christian Gudegast and Chad St. John

Starring: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Angela Bassett, and Morgan Freeman

MPAA rating: R for strong violence and language throughout

Running time: 1 hour 40 mins.


2016 Academy Awards: Leo finally gets his Oscar

This has been one hell of an awards season. I voting member of the Kansas City Film Critics Circle for the third year, the Critics Choice Awards (as a member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association) — and I attended that show, for the first time ever, back in January.

But now, the 2016 Academy Awards have come and gone, signaling the end of awards season. The show, much like the awards themselves was fairly predictable. Obviously, everyone is going to be talking about either Chris Rock absolutely killing it as host, or Leonardo DiCaprio finally winning that elusive Oscar.

Leonardo DiCaprio accepts the award for best actor in a leading role for “The Revenant” at the Oscars on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
Leonardo DiCaprio accepts the award for best actor in a leading role for “The Revenant” at the Oscars on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Does anyone think this dude is way too young to be acting like Leo FINALLY won an Oscar? I’m sure he will have plenty of chances to add to his collection. But — it was pretty fantastic to finally see him up there getting his trophy. I think “The Revenant” is a bit over rated as a film. I thought it was an amazing performance by Leo (he worked his ass off and earned this) and the film looked incredible. But I’m so glad it didn’t win Best Picture. That award went to “Spotlight”.

For me though, the star of the show was Chris Rock. As one of the most influential modern day comedians, Rock had the challenge of hosting an awards show that has been blasted for its ignorance and lack of diversity, not just among nominees but in Hollywood in general.

Chris Rock did a masterful job of diffusing the tension during the opening monologue for the 2016 Academy Awards. (Getty Images)
Chris Rock did a masterful job of diffusing the tension during the opening monologue for the 2016 Academy Awards. (Getty Images)

As expected, Rock knocked it out of the park, coming out swinging in his opening monologue. He joked about the controversy, made fun of Will and Jada for boycotting a ceremony they technically weren’t “invited” to, and helped act as a calming voice to help ease any uncomfortable tensions.

But, Rock made it clear that racism exists in Hollywood and it’s nothing new. Laughing at it isn’t going to make it right or make it go away or make anyone forget about how bad it is.

And this just isn’t about African American actors — it’s Asians, Native Americans, Indian actors, filmmakers. It’s women and the LGBT community.

Rock put Hollywood on notice. Will it stick? Will anyone really do anything about it? Will we get a black 007? Or a female directing an “Avengers” movie? Only time will tell.

Full Oscars 2016 winners and recap