All posts by Timothy English

Greetings and Salutations….

Okay, everyone, the moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here.  I am officially unveiling the 100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before…in 90 Days-ish Blog.  Yeah, I know you’re just dying to know how I wasted my summer, right?  Over the next few weeks, I will be updating this page nearly every day with my critical and satirical opinions on the challenge I set for myself.  So keep checking back!

‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ continues down the downward spiral — movie review

How these movies have become as popular as they are is completely beyond me. Of course, I’m not exactly in the target demographic. I’ve never read a “Twilight” book and now after having sat through the first three movies, I never will read one of them but that’s okay. In this day and age of remakes, reboots and movies being adapted from games, books and just about everything else, it’s good to separate the movies from their source material.

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‘Cyrus’ (2010) — movie review

There really is something special about the bond of love between a mother and her son. Especially when the mother clearly has loneliness issues and the son has overwhelming detachment issues. Such is the situation presented in “Cyrus”, a bit of a dark comedy starring John C. Reilly, Catherine Keener, Marisa Tomei and Jonah Hill.

Continue reading ‘Cyrus’ (2010) — movie review