All posts by Timothy English

10 pretty awesome
movies of 2015

2015: The year the geeks took over

This is a pretty tough year to come up with a “Best of…” list. It’s not that there weren’t a lot of good movies…there were. It’s just that there weren’t a lot of “great” or “amazing” movies.

As a movie critic, I see A LOT of movies every year and especially at this time of year — with awards season and all. But I don’t want to make a list of movies studios sent me over the last few months, so let’s have some fun with this, shall we? Continue reading 10 pretty awesome
movies of 2015

‘Blended’: You’ve seen this Adam Sandler movie before

This is a day I never thought would come and it makes me sad. But I think I’ve outgrown Adam Sandler. Yes, I know, there is probably some rule that says I “have to” hate Adam Sandler movies as a movie critic. But I’ve always liked his movies. At least I used to.blended

Does this mean I’ve grown up. Or does this mean Sandler just hasn’t. Yeah, he usually plays some sort of “family man” in his movies now, but it just seems like he’s clinging unnecessarily to his immaturity. My main problem with “Blended” is that it just seems like he took a highlight reel of jokes from better movies and wrote them into this script.

Full Blended movie review at

Release date: May 23, 2014

Directed by: Frank Coraci

Written by: Ivan Menchell and Clare Sera

Starring: Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, and Terry Crews

Running time: 117 mins.

Rating: PG-13 for crude and sexual content and language


‘X Men Days of Future Past’ nearly fixes a broken universe

Give credit to Bryan Singer. His presence was sorely missed during his absence from the Marvel mutant universe. I think we can all agree that “X3” was a total mess under the direction of Brett Ratner. And Wolverine’s solo films have ranged from sloppy to unnecessary.X-Men-_Days_of_Future_Past_113

“First Class” proved that the X-Men still had something in the tank, and now with Singer back in the director’s chair, he is nearly able to fix all the mistakes that have been made since he left, and put the franchise on the right course for future installments.

Full X Men Days of Future Past movie review at

Release date: 5.23.2014

Directed by: Bryan Singer

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Ian McKellan