Category Archives: 2012 Movie Reviews

‘That’s My Boy’ (2012) review; 100 Movies in 90 Days

#25 of 100 on my 100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before Challenge (part II)

What happened to Adam Sandler? Is he getting worse or am I just getting older? I think it might be a combination of both. Either way, I just am not feeling his movies lately. Hell, I didn’t even see “Jack and Jill”. Seriously? Adam Sandler playing some dude AND his ugly sister. Um. No thanks. Sadly, I didn’t like “Grown Ups” either. It just seems like he’s trying to hard to either make a family movie or act like a complete nut job. Continue reading ‘That’s My Boy’ (2012) review; 100 Movies in 90 Days

‘Rock of Ages’ (2012) review; 100 Movies in 90 Days part II

#24 of 100 on my 100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before Challenge (part II)

Musicals can definitely be a mixed bag. I grew up watching musicals with my mom and my sister. I can say for the most part most of them are the same, there are some that really hit home with me. “Moulin Rouge” and “O’ Brother Where Art Thou?” are a couple of my recent favorites because they both feature fantastic music but also great acting and stories that draw an audience in. Continue reading ‘Rock of Ages’ (2012) review; 100 Movies in 90 Days part II

‘Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted’ (2012) review; 100 Movies in 90 Days part II

#20 of 100 on my 100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before Challenge (part II)

Okay, so on this one, I had very little “Madagascar” experience going in. I had seen bits and pieces of the first movie and didn’t see the second. My kids really never seemed to care…that is until I took them to see “Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted” in 3D. Normally I’m a sucker– at least I used to be– for movies about talking animals but anymore, between “Shrek”, “Madagascar”, “Ice Age”…and what was the one with Jack Bauer as the lion? Continue reading ‘Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted’ (2012) review; 100 Movies in 90 Days part II