I’ve never been a real big fan of Jennifer Aniston. I’m not really sure why. I liked her on “Friends”…until she ended up with Ross at the end. How lame. I’ve just never really been a fan of any of her movies. I didn’t even care much for her in “Horrible Bosses” when she was all sexed up. Paul Rudd, however, being a fellow Kansas City boy, I’m a fan of. When I decided to check out “Wanderlust”, I wondered how I’d feel about it. Paul Rudd, good. Jennifer Aniston, meh. Directed by David Wain, good. But still, Jennifer Aniston….
So, going into this movie, I thought “This Means War” would be a complete train wreck, which it’s not. The problem is that it isn’t particularly good either, which ends up being the most disappointing thing about it because it seems like it could have been so much better. The movie is about two CIA agents, who are also best bros, who end up falling for the same girl. Rather than step aside for the other, they let the girl decided who she likes better. The result ends up being a somewhat entertaining but mostly flat attempt from McG and the cast.
“This Means War” stars Chris Pine (Star Trek, Unstoppable), Tom Hardy (Warrior, The Dark Knight Rises) and Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line, Legally Blonde), who have all been good in other movies. Here, for whatever reason, they feel seriously miscast in their roles. Hardy and Pine are good together and you’re left wondering what they’d be like partnered up in a better action movie. Unfortunately, it’s Reese Witherspoon who seems like a huge part of the overall chemistry problem with this flick. She’s still cute and all, but she may be past playing the cutesy girl parts.
However, she isn’t the worst actor in the movie, by far. That designation goes to Chelsea Handler, who once again proves to be just completely terrible. Her character is supposed to be the majority of the female comic relief but you’ll find yourself wishing she was killed off as part of collateral damage– but she’s not. I seriously don’t get what people like about her or why she is cast in anything– ever. She’s flat terrible and every scene she is in is groan inducing.
Director McG isn’t a terrible filmmaker, but he just can’t seem to make a movie that works on every level. The “Charlie’s Angels” movies had more bad moments that ruined any good. The same with “Terminator Salvation”. He just can’t seem to put it all together. This movie seems like the studio couldn’t keep their hands out of the cookie jar, as evidenced by the three alternate endings. Maybe that’s what McG’s problem is– he can’t tell the studios to leave his movie alone. The movie has a lot of uneven moments and just when you think the characters are developing, they don’t. It all seems dumbed down a little too much.
“This Means War” has some great moments, such as when Tom Hardy’s character plays a ruthless game of paintball but you will constantly wish there was more to it. For every clever moment, there is three or four idiotic moments that make you question the intelligence of every character involved…and they’re all supposed to be really smart. At the end of the day, “This Means War” is an entertaining movie to watch with the wife or girlfriend for some mindless entertainment but that doesn’t mean it’s any good.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how good your lead actors are if the story takes forever to get going. This is the problem with “Safe House” starring Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington. They’re both as good as here as they usually are. That’s actually part of the problem. Both of them seem to be just kinda going through the motions, which is about all they can do, given the script they have to work with. Continue reading ‘Safe House’ a safe and easy paycheck for Denzel and Reynolds — movie review→