Category Archives: 2012 Movie Reviews

‘Magic Mike’ (2012) movie review

Where to begin? Well on one hand, the ladies who flock to see this movie are going to get exactly what they want. “Magic Mike” is exactly what it is advertised to be and that is a bunch of good looking guys stripping down and humping everything in their dancing path. The only bad thing is that when they are not dancing, there is absolutely zero to like about it.

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‘Moonrise Kingdom’ (2012) movie review

#35 of 100 on my 100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before Challenge (part II)

When the summer movie season began, this was easily one of the movies I was most looking forward to. Unfortunately, it took forever to get to Kansas City theatres. I am happy to say “Moonrise Kingdom” was well worth the wait. Wes Anderson delivers a funny, quirky and heart warming story about the awkwardness of young love.

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‘Beasts of the Southern Wild’ is a beautiful and emotional look at life in the bayou

“Once there was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in The Bathtub.”

BeastsSouthernWild2This is our introduction to Quvenzhané Wallis, who plays the 5-year-old Hushpuppy, a resident of the Bathtub in the Louisiana bayou. A bathtub is a community of the bayou that has been cut off by a levee. Little Hushpuppy lives with her father, Wink (Dwight Henry), a man struggling with his health as much as his anger issues. Together they struggle but they survive in their poor, ramshackle village. This is their life and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

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(photo property of Fox Searchlight)