Tag Archives: 3D movies

Ang Lee’s ‘Life of Pi’ is a spectacular visual and emotional experience — movie review

Based on the novel by Yann Martel, “Life of Pi” is the story of Piscine Molitor Patel, a precocious boy living in India who embarks on a journey of self discovery set off by unpredictable and horrific events. Before getting to those tragic events, however, the film begins with a writer, played by Rafe Spall (“Prometheus”), sitting down to interview an older Pi, played by Irrfan Khan (“The Amazing Spider-Man”). The writer is looking for a story idea for a book and has been told that Pi will tell him a story that will make him believe in God. (Continue Reading at Examiner.com)

‘Wreck-It Ralph’ will delight adults as much as it will the kiddos — movie review

wreckitralphPICIf you’re a child of the 80’s, you probably have an appreciation for old school video games like Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros. You can probably remember the days when graphics were good if a character vaguely looked like it had a human form and when you actually had to use a controller. Forget the Wii or X-Box Kinect. Real video games were played with a joystick and the A and B buttons. Ah, but the age of the video game has evolved. That evolution has been apparent not only in the graphics and gameplay but also the magic of the arcade, a wonderland of video games where kids can play whatever game they want as long as they had a pocket full of quarters…

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