The end of the summer usually movies that make you wonder how or why they were even made. Boys and girls, 2013 is no different. I give you, “Getaway”, starring Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez. 
The plot is nothing new. Ethan Hawke plays a former race car driver who, after his wife is taken, finds himself forced to do a bunch of crazy things for a maniac who barks his orders over the phone. Unfortunately, he never really does anything plot wise, except for lead Bulgarian police on wild chases that end up in crashes in explosions. Continue reading ‘Getaway’ forgot to add character and plot to its 90 minute car chase →
What a horrifying thought, right? Allowing American citizens to purge their violent tendencies one night every year. What would you do? Would you give into that primal urge or would you do what you could to hide away and protect your family. It’s a premise ripe with possibilities but unfortunately, “The Purge” just kinda glosses over them in favor of becoming just like every other similar horror movie.
“The Purge” plays out like the bastard child of “The Hostage” and “The Strangers”, focusing on one family who is threatened by crazy wack jobs who are out to purge their urge, something that it seems like they’d probably do anyway.
Continue reading: “The Purge” movie review at
Photo property of Universal PIctures
Who’s in it?: Ethan Hawke (The Explorers, Reality Bites), Willem Dafoe (Shadow of the Vampire, Boondock Saints)
A wise man once said, “The only thing I hate about Santa Clara is all the God damned vampires…” Well, sir, I loved your movie by the way (that was from The Lost Boys if you didn’t catch it); but I would put it this way, “The only thing I hate about movies these days is all the God damned vampires…”.
Obviously there are too many vampire movies these days…
Continue reading ‘Daybreakers’ is a reminder that not all vampires are goofy — movie review →
Writer. Critic. Ad man. Jedi.