Tag Archives: Hit Girl

‘Kick-Ass 2’ still kicks a little ass, just lacks original’s shock and awe factor

Three years ago, “Kick-Ass” burst into theatres and won over a lot of fans with its over the top action and endless one-liners. Besides super heroes are all the rage these days and the R-rated comedy and violence was a surprisingly refreshing change of pace.KickAss2

But the truth is, it worked mainly because of Chloe Grace-Moretz and her, for lack of a better phrase, kick ass turn as the sweet and innocent little bad ass, Hit Girl. But it was funny then because not a lot of girls that age run around with a mouth like that.

In “Kick-Ass 2”, she’s in high school. It’s still funny but it’s just not shocking anymore.  Continue reading ‘Kick-Ass 2’ still kicks a little ass, just lacks original’s shock and awe factor