Tag Archives: marvel studios

‘Iron Man 3’ teaser trailer

Following the amazing blockbuster of 2012’s “Marvel’s The Avengers”, Marvel Studios looks to get going quickly on what they’re calling “Phase Two” in the cinematic universe that will include “Thor: the Dark World”, “Captain America: the Winter Soldier”, “Guardians of the Galaxy” and of course, next summer’s “Iron Man 3″… Continue reading ‘Iron Man 3’ teaser trailer

“Thor: The Mighty Avenger” (2011)– Movie Review

While the movies aren’t always perfect, Marvel seems to have it figured out.  Audiences want consistency.  It’s worked for the Harry Potter movies and now, Marvel Studios is working it on a whole new level that DC Comics just doesn’t seem to get.  I checked out “THOR”– finally– this weekend.  Coming into this summer, this was one of the movies that I thought could really suck it up.  Thankfully, while it’s not exactly a thought provoker like, say– Inception– it entertains both as a movie and as a set up for next summer’s The Avengers.

Continue reading “Thor: The Mighty Avenger” (2011)– Movie Review