Tag Archives: movie review

‘X Men Days of Future Past’ nearly fixes a broken universe

Give credit to Bryan Singer. His presence was sorely missed during his absence from the Marvel mutant universe. I think we can all agree that “X3” was a total mess under the direction of Brett Ratner. And Wolverine’s solo films have ranged from sloppy to unnecessary.X-Men-_Days_of_Future_Past_113

“First Class” proved that the X-Men still had something in the tank, and now with Singer back in the director’s chair, he is nearly able to fix all the mistakes that have been made since he left, and put the franchise on the right course for future installments.

Full X Men Days of Future Past movie review at Examiner.com

Release date: 5.23.2014

Directed by: Bryan Singer

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Ian McKellan

Ashton Kutcher never seems comfortable in ‘jOBS’ shoes

I gave this a chance, honestly. Look, Ashton Kutcher wouldn’t have been my first choice to play Apple technology innovator Steve Jobs. Kutcher has the look, as a photo in the end credits proves, he just doesn’t have the — oh, man, there has to be a better word other than….talent —jobs2

The film takes us through Jobs’ college days, all the way up through the invention of the iPod. It’s a fairly interesting movie. After all, this is the guy that brought us the iMac, the iPhone, and all those other gadgets we use so we don’t have to pay attention to each other.

But, it’s all soooo boring to watch….. Continue reading Ashton Kutcher never seems comfortable in ‘jOBS’ shoes

Awful villains, boring characters cancel out what works in ‘The Wolverine’

Wolverine2I really wanted to love “The Wolverine”. Seriously, I really did. But, I didn’t. I couldn’t.

Yes, Hugh Jackman is back as Logan aka The Wolverine — and that “The” is apparently important as this movie, Jackman’s sixth in the role, is supposed to be THE definitive take on the character. After four “X-Men” movies and his first solo outing, “Orgins: Wolverine”, Jackman is back and  in Japan this time. Set years after “X3”, Logan finds himself alone and running from his heroic past.
Continue reading Awful villains, boring characters cancel out what works in ‘The Wolverine’