I’m all for mindless action movies. I’m not going to sit here and say just because I review movies for a living that I know what makes a good movie more than anyone else. Hey, I’m just here to offer my opinion. In this case, I would say, it is my opinion that “White House Down” is not a very good movie.
I know, you’re shocked, right?![WHDpic2](http://tbenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/WHDpic2-300x183.jpg)
Another movie in a long, long line of movies aiming to rip off the “Die Hard” formula. Actually “Olympus Has Fallen” was more of a “Die Hard” rip off, “WHD” borrows a little more from the formula Bay used for “The Rock” — you know, a delusional government Patriot does something crazy to get attention — or in this case revenge. Except this time we get James Woods leading a takeover of the White House instead of Ed Harris. Not as interesting.
Then there are the heroes. Channing Tatum plays a wanna be Secret Service agent and Jamie Foxx plays — wait for it — the President of the United States. From “Independence Day” and “2012” director Roland Emmerich never lets the the movie pretend it’s anything but what it is but if we are going to settle for mindless, can’t the movie at least feel original?
Continue reading: White House Down movie review at Examiner.com
Photo property of Columbia Pictures