Okay, folks. The moment you’ve all been waiting for is here. The question I get more than anything is “when are ya gonna make something new?”. I never have an answer for this…until now.
That’s right. I’ve decided that my next project is going to be….(drum roll)….
wait for it…..
….an untitled feature film that I’m not going to divulge ANY plot details right now. All I will say is it’s my first crack at the horror genre. I’m excited as it’s my first project since Run (2002)— so it should be interesting.
Other than that there isn’t much to say– I’ve got a completed script and I’ve already cast a few of the main characters. I plan on shooting this fall (October-November) on location around Kansas City. I will be looking for more cast and crew over the next couple of months. Check back for more info.