I know what you’re thinking. The first Transformers, while not a great movie, was fun and be honest– waaaaaay better than you thought it would be. The second, on the other hand, was as bad as you thought the first could be or would be. If you, like most people, already hated director Michael Bay…this movie only made that hatred swell.
So here is Transformers 3– called Dark of the Moon NOT Dark Side of the Moon. How bad could it be? After the tragic horror that was Revenge of the Fallen, Bay promised less school boy humor and a greater focus on story and plot– something Bay has never been concerned about. EVER.

Let’s just say if you liked the first flick, you’re going to really enjoy this one. Now, it was going to be impossible to get rid of ALL of the sophomoric humor. I mean come on, Michael Bay is a 13 year-old in a grown man’s body. But you can really tell they did try and put together a coherent plot this time around– and for the most part they have succeeded.
Dark of the Moon is a hell of a ride when the bots are dueling, anyway. There is a plot– something about the moon mission and some Autobots who crash landed on the moon and a bunch of Decepticons are now looking for some secret weapon that could turn the tide in the war. There is a new girl too– a lot of attention has been given to Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who took over for Megan Fox– why, I don’t know. Neither of them is a good actress. In fact I’d say Rosie is one person that Megan can school in the ways of acting. My bigger question is HOW Sam keeps getting these hot women?
But the action– good lord, the action is sweet. Bay knows his stuff when he is blowing up cars and buildings and in Dark of the Moon, there is plenty of chasing and fighting and blowing sh*t up….and don’t worry, GM vehicles get plenty of face time.
Should you see it in 3-D? I don’t see many movies in 3-D but this one was pretty solid. It was pretty tame when it needed to be and really popped when the action called for it.