Now we are finally getting somewhere. In my journey to watch 100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before, I watched a grand total of 32 in the month of June and the last one of June was a real sucker. I will make a note of where June ended and July begins. Once again, if there is any movies listed here you would like to see full reviews, just let me know. I will get to each at some point. No promises, cuz I like to keep people guessing. Continue reading 100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before in 90 Days: #31-40
Tag Archives: 100 Movies I’ve never seen before
100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before in 90 Days: #21-30
Okay, so this is about where I left off. I’ve linked to my full reviews. Following #24 though, I don’t have full reviews up yet. When I do, I will link. If there are any that you want to see ASAP, hit me up with a comment and I will see what I can do.
21. Legion- 2010: I really don’t know what else to say about this ridiculous movie except it is really stupid and pointless and yet another movie where you have to wonder what Dennis Quaid is thinking. It’s about a renegade angel fighting other angels because some want to kill a baby and some don’t but God told them too— or some shit like that. It’s stupid, that’s all you need to know. 2/10
22. The Soloist- 2009: You know those movies where you can just tell they are trying to push the movie into Oscar territory? This movie reeks of that shit. Take Robert Downey Jr. add Jamie Foxx, playing a schizophrenic musician and let the drama unfold. This is an okay movie. Not Oscar worthy but worth watching if you’re a fan of either actor. 6/10
23. The Lovely Bones- 2009: I was sooo disappointed in this. I haven’t read the book but even as that may be, it just feels like there is a lot cut out. There are some beautiful moments and it gets very Lost-ish in The End– or did Lost get a little Lovely Bones-ish– I digress. I love Peter Jackson, and really hoped he’d hit me in the gut with this flick. But he didn’t. 6/10
24. Toy Story 3- 2010: Thank God this is the final one because I don’t need anymore fucking reminders that my childhood is over and I’m never getting it back. This movie is great. I don’t know if I’d say the best. I still love the first and the marijuana leaf wall paper– wait, you say it’s bamboo? Yeah, okay. This one has Michael Keaton in it. 8/10

25. Valkyrie: American actors playing German soldiers and politicians during WWII, speaking English with full American accents and not one trace of German accent. Other than that it’s a pretty good movie, based on a true story of the men who tried to take down Hitler. But the American accents bothered me, mostly because I know Bryan Singer knows better. 7/10
26. Ninja Assassin: YES. I loved this shit. Totally bad ass ninjas doing some totally bad ass ninja shit. Arms chopped off… Heads lopped off… Legs hacked off… Dudes getting cut in half. Fucking awesome shit. Violent as hell. Oh yeah, there is something about revenge- but isn’t there always a little revenge when you get mixed up in ninja shit? 8/10
27. Law-Obiding Citizen: Am I the only one that thinks Gerard Butler is a total douche bag? Is anyone buying this guys bull shit? What the hell was this movie? Dude get imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit so to teach everyone a lesson he actually kills more people? You can’t see me, but I’m shaking my head right now…. Another one with Jamie Foxx. He should have passed on this one and unless you have a hard on for Gerard Butler, you should too. 4/10

28. How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Run Fatboy Run) is usually pretty solid and while this movie has its moments of humor, it really just kinda spins its wheels and after a while it gets kind of annoying. But that’s kind of the way it is with a lot of British comedies. This has a weird cast from Jeff Bridges, to my alternate universe wife, Gillian Anderson. But it also has Megan Fox in it and we all know how good of an actor she is compared to CGi alien robots. Here she just kinda looks hot and that’s about it. 7/10
29. Knight and Day- 2010: First of all, stop letting Top Cruise have creative control. The title of this movie has nothing to do with anything at all in the movie. It was supposed to be called Wichita and it should have stayed that way. Maybe it’s cuz I’m from Kansas, but either way there is so much going on that is pointless here. Which is too bad because there is a lot of entertaining stuff, too. Tom Cruise is old school Tom Cruise here and it works. 7/10
30. The Hannah Montana movie: Okay, here is my WTF movie for this part of my list. Obviously I let my daughter pick this one. I don’t mean to be a dick but has anyone else noticed that Miley Cyrus talks like a donkey that got kicked in the head? Holy crap, man. Parents actually let their kids watch this crap?? I mean besides me, because the movie was an isolated incident. Zoe and I watched this together. It’s stupid. Hannah Montana is stupid and so is her stupid dad. You suck, Billy Ray. Zoe also rated this movie herself. 5/10
Check out the rest of the Movies I’ve Never Seen Before…in 90 Days:
You can also follow me on:
@tbenglish on Twitter and as the Kansas City TV Examiner
100 Movies I’ve Never Seen Before in 90 Days: #11-20
Once again, I’ve already gone through these in more detail, so I won’t waste your time. Have fun reviewing #11-20. Next we will get to some really shitty movies, trust me.
11. Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day: Dammit, this movie pissed me off. Loved the first. Loathe this piece of shit. Waste of time. Waste of film. Spends most of the movie raping the first one. Seriously. 1/10
12. The A-Tea- 2010: I’ve seen this again since the first time and still liked it. It’s not perfect but it’s a fun re-imagining of the old 80’s TV show. Check out my Kansas City TV Examiner review. 7/10

13. Twilight- 2008: You fucking Twi-Hards. I just want to go on record as saying that women obsessing about this glittery vampire crap is NOT the same us dudes like me geeking-out over Star Wars or Spider-Man or some shit. It’s not the same. This one actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be– that would be that New Moon shite. 5/10
14. State of Play- 2009: Not bad but not great. Well written and acted but kind of slow paced but a good political thriller that relies more on suspense than forcing political ideas on you. 7/10
15. Entry Level- 2007: I don’t remember shit about this movie except it was some independent movie I found on cable in the middle of the day so I watched it. It has a bunch of quirky characters but no one you’ll give a shit about. Pass on it. 5/10
16. Sex Drive- 2008: Typical teen sex comedy and not in a good way. It has a bunch of dudes that you’ll wonder “what the fuck is that dude doing in this movie?” The answer is stealing a pay check. 4/10
17. Lakeview Terrace- 2008: Samuel L. Jackson is just one of those guys that is either a total bad ass or a total jack ass. He doesn’t care either. He knows he makes more good movies than bad but when they’re bad, you get this schlock. So much drama is created simply because its in the screenplay. Crap. 3/10
18. Up in the Air- 2009: One of Jorge Clooney’s best. He’s really good at these characters that are slick and cool and like to talk. This one is directed by Jason Reitman, son of Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman. He’s a film maker that is going to make some good flicks as he gets older. 8/10

19. The Karate Kid- 2010: I’m not going to try and convince you this movie is better than the original because it is not. But it is pretty good and waaay better than I expected it to be. It has good performances from Will Smith’s kid and Jackie Chan, who should have gotten an Oscar nomination. It’s entertaining right up until the end–when Justin Bieber sings over the credits. Hide the razor blades. But I do agree it suffers from a serious lack of Elisabeth Shue. 8/10
20. Mystery Team- 2009: You know that dude on Community, the hilarious one?– no not Abed, but Troy. He’s a funny fucker. He has a comedy group that made this movie. It’s VERY low budget but pretty funny if you like the ridiculous. Three idiots who solved neighborhood crimes when they were young, still try living off that pub as teens– and fail until someone gets killed. 7/10
Check out the rest of the Movies I’ve Never Seen Before…in 90 Days:
You can also follow me on:
@tbenglish on Twitter and as the Kansas City TV Examiner